I enjoy very much taking pictures. At every moment, everywhere. I 'm a adict photographer person. I have three camera and many personal collect printed photos. Yes!, I'm a photolog freak!!
One of the photographs that I like is: "The glasses of absinthe". You can see it in:
This photo shows many glasses of absinthe, full at the top with the "Green fairy", the elixir of the poetry and art. Also, in this photo you can see a transparent bottle of this alcoholic green potion, above the glasses (with the mouth down). I took this photo a few months ago, in a absent bar in Valparaíso, when i went it with my friends. Some information about the history and characteristics of Absinthe can be found in many books, magazines, newpaper and internet. Also, in many novels and literary work, from many many years ago, since nineteenth century. An interesting article on this topic can be read at the following internet address: http://www.chile.com/tpl/articulo/detalle/ver.tpl?cod_articulo=107621
I like this photo because when i look at I remember some books, some films and some paintings.
All of them represent the famous green fairy, the favorite drink some great artist such as Vincent Van Goht, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, etc. Finally, i like this photo because the green colour
this drink is very intense and, in some way, mysterious.
ReplyDeleteI liked your post for three reasons. First and foremost, the great photo that you took: it’s very artistic, a first-class shot. Secondly, the content of it, and finally, the inclusion of some well-written sentences. I´m also into photography. I’ve got four cameras and I’m looking forward to buying my first digital one!
A Photograph that I like..."The glasses of Absinthe"
I enjoy very much taking pictures. At every moment, everywhere. I 'm aN adict photographer (-) / A PHOTOGRAPHY FREAK/ A PERSON ADDICTEED TO PHOTOGRAPHY. I have (three camera: CAMERAS) and many personal (collect: COLLECTIONS OF) printed photos. Yes!, I'm a photolog freak!!
One of the photographs that I like is: "The glasses of absinthe". You can see it AT:
This photo shows many glasses of absinthe, full at the top with the "Green fairy", (the elixir of the poetry and art). Also, in this photo you can see a transparent bottle of this alcoholic green potion, above the glasses (with the mouth down/UPSIDE DOWN). I took this photo a few months ago, in (a absent bar) in Valparaíso, when i went (it: THERE) with my friends. Some information about the history and characteristics of Absinthe can be found in many books, magazines, newpaperS and internet. Also, in many novels and literary work, from many many years ago, since nineteenth century. An interesting article on this topic can be read at the following internet address: http://www.chile.com/tpl/articulo/detalle/ver.tpl?cod_articulo=107621
I like this photo because (when i look at I remember) some books, some films and some paintings.
All of them represent the famous green fairy, the favorite drink some great artistS’ such as Vincent Van Goht, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, etc. Finally, i like this photo because the green colour this drink is very intense and, in some way, mysterious.
Posted by Miguel Fuentes at 9:23 AM
a) ( the elixir of the poetry and art): the elixir of poetry and art: Don’t use ‘the’ to talk about something in general. Compare:
• I like dogs ( all dogs, no dog in particular) / What’s wrong with the dogs? They are barking too much. (some dogs in particular, some specific dogs)
• They study psychology / They´re studying the psychology of poverty
b) (a absent bar): an empty bar
c) (when i look at I remember): remember to mention who or what you are talking about:
I’ve had my laptop … = I’ve had it / I use my laptop … = I use it / I miss my mother = I miss her / etc.